Bent and twisted lies are posted
As claims of truth and valid - evidence
Surrounded by those who all think
The same and disbelieve the - science
Sad to say the ones they love will
be the Ones who will be hurt and – suffer
Does not matter if
they yell, scream, and wail
Science for the win (the truth will catch you)
Darwin will prevail
Listen to the southern preacher
Tell you that it goes against - religion
Calling sheep of golden fleeces
Through his doors to be shorn and then - sacrificed
trying to protect the true god
He prays to the All mighty - dollar
Does not matter if
they yell, scream, and wail
(the truth will catch you) Science for the win
Darwin will prevail
Evil lies and mis-direction (8)
Used to drive a wedge and win - Elections
Wage Cultural wars against the truth
While they protect themselves with– Hypocrisy
cycling in a Self-destructive
path that will destroy our sacred - democracy
Does not matter if
they yell, scream, and wail
(the truth will catch you) Science for the win
Darwin will prevail
Anti-vaxer? Prosperity Preacher? Gerrymandered Conspiracy Pushing Politician?
You are not going to like this song...
But, Darwin will prevail!